There is a difference between teaching riding and coaching. Teaching is what we usually do with inexperienced riders. The instructor needs to take responsibility for the safety and progress of the rider. With beginners it is important that the instructor maintains control of the lessons at all times.
So, how do they “know” these techniques? That’s where the teacher comes in. Teaching beginners how to find balance on the horse, how to communicate with the horse but above all how to find harmony with the horse is in my opinion the most important job of all. Teaching beginners is best done with experienced horses that are well trained and are usually a bit older. They have “been there, done that” and don’t try to be difficult. Usually you find these horses in a riding school.
Now I know from my own experience that my friends at EA generally screws up their face when you mention the word “riding school” as if it is a dirty word.
They have always claimed that riding schools are different. They look down on them. But I believe that teachers who teach beginners have the most important job
They need to prepare riders from having no knowledge at all to someone who knows and understand the techniques of riding. Riders also need to know about safety so they will enjoy their riding for a long time without any preventable injuries.
Teaching beginners about riding techniques and safety is so enjoyable. Isn’t just great to see your riders develop from knowing absolutely nothing to capable riders! Not only did they learn about horse riding, but they also learned a lot about life. You can see many riders with low self confidence blossom. They often even improve their school work.